JAHC 2024

JAHC 2024 Specials

Free Trial - RadarOpus

New to RadarOpus?

There has never been a better time to join the RadarOpus family! RadarOpus is like 3 programs in 1 - and with this limited-time only JAHC pricing - it's literally never been sweeter!

We are offering incredible discounts on all four of our RadarOpus packages.

No coupon code required. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Expires May 15th, 2024 at midnight Pacific time. Cannot be applied to previous orders.

                                          Already own RadarOpus?                                              Update to Synthesis Adonis

Now is the perfect time to get Synthesis Adonis for your RadarOpus program! We are offering an exclusive sale on Synthesis Adonis giving you access to all the new provings, clinical information, pathological rubrics, and much more.

Update for $124.99 USD

                                  Update for $99.99 USD (JAHC Pricing)

Update for $174.99 USD

                                  Update for $149.99 USD (JAHC Pricing)

                                         Already own RadarOpus?                                       Upgrade your Engine

We are offering an exclusive sale on upgrading your RadarOpus engine! Upgrading your engine will give you more clipboards, Synthesis editing tools, search functionality, giving you more tools to be able to quickly and easily repertorize and analyze your client's case.

$600 USD per level

$299.99 USD per level (JAHC special)

Purchase as many engine upgrades as you would like to increase by. i.e. purchase a quantity of 2 if you would like to increase your engine by 2 levels.

If you're not sure which engine you have, e-mail Dr. Tim.

Scroll down for a complete engine comparison chart!

No coupon code required. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Expires on May 15th, 2024 at midnight Pacific time. Cannot be applied to previous orders.

RadarOpus Engines Comparison

Functions and Features
Repertories Student Engine Beginning Engine Everyday Engine Advanced Engine
Find, take and analyze Repertory symptoms
Save, recall and print an analysis
Information about remedies by double clicking on the remedy
Search for a remedy in Repertories, References, Wikipedia, Google (images) by right clicking on the remedy
Symptom clipboards 1 3 6 12
Analysis methods (Minimum: sum of symptoms) 1 9 9 9
Sort symptoms in analysis by homeopathic or alphabetical order, rubric size or intensity
Change an intensity from 0-10 for symptoms or add symptom qualification (eliminative - exclusive)
Repertory Views
Editing tools basic: import Synthesis additions from other RadarOpus users (import logfiles)
Editing tools basic: add existing remedies to existing Synthesis symptoms
Editing tools basic: export Synthesis additions by sending a logfile to other RadarOpus users
Editing tools Advanced Engine: make Repertory additions including source information
References - Families - Concepts - Maps Student Engine Beginning Engine Everyday Engine Advanced Engine
Find and read symptoms in References
View images inside References
Free new documents with new RadarOpus releases
Add single documents to your package(s)
Free Maps (where applicable)
Use concepts, linked to Repertory symptoms (according to package purchased)
Use more than 5.500 families (according to package purchased)
Families function basic: use more than 5.500 families to limit or highlight in the analysis (according to package purchased)
New: Hide remedies and family in the analysis
Include Materia Medica symptoms in the analysis
Patient Files(WinCHIP) Student Engine Beginning Engine Everyday Engine Advanced Engine
Create, edit, save and find patient files containing administration data, consultation text and analyses
Human and veterinary patient file
Additional administrative data (e.g. blood group)
Add multimedia to administrative data 1 1 unlimited
Additional columns in patients' list: last consultation, remedy, potency
From within the patient file, contact the patient by phone, Skype or email (or group emails)
Create and print invoices or credit notes; congress function hiding patient name and address
Number of tags in the consultation text 3 unlimited
Seach and show tagged symptoms in current or all consultations, apply and search for symptom intensity, show important symtoms or personal tags only
Add lab tests, vaccinations and certifications
In summary of consultations quick overview of Repertory symptoms used
Add photo, sound, video, PDF, Word, or any other files to any symptom
Evaluate remedy reaction: general, subjective, Glasgow pathology scale, reaction type, etc.
ICD-10 code for pathologies
Print the prescription
Add new values in pick lists, sort items, add new pick lists and set your default values in pick lists
Search functions Student Engine Beginning Engine Everyday Engine Advanced Engine
Search words, remedies and families in all Repertories and References
Search in administrative patient data
Extract up to 10 remedies from Repertories and compare them 1 10 10 10
Limit Repertory search to a user defined search area (e.g.: delusions and dreams)
Search in consultations, pathologies, prescriptions
Open several search windows (quickly compare different search results)
Search in all patient data
Save and recall patient queries and export the result to Excel (a CSV file)
Create a graph of the search result
Search text in current or in all consultations of current patient
Frequency-analysis of all patient queries
Clificol Student Engine Beginning Engine Everyday Engine Advanced Engine
Upload cases to Clificol
Search cases in Clificol by remedies and pathologies
Search cases in Clificol by any (set of) criteria
Download a case as a PDF
Download a case as a PDF hiding the remedies (for teachers)
Manage a Clificol project (decide which users can collaborate, etc.)
General Student Engine Beginning Engine Everyday Engine Advanced Engine
New: True privacy implementations (GDPR and HIPAA)
New: 64 BIT compatibility (works with the Catalina macOS)
New: Option to use a "keyless" program (no need to have a USB key plugged in)
Context-sensitive help (in different languages), integrated video clips
Engine LiveUpdates (incl. new functions and improvements for your engine, one year free)
Content updater: download new books, repertories, materia media, repertory additions (logfiles) and other (free or payable) documents
Backup and restore all personal information (encrypted and password protected)
Table of content lists for quick access to all Repertories, References, Patient files
More than 103 keyboard hotkeys for fast RadarOpus usage
Embedded customized internet browser
Table of Content icon to access family and remedy information
Export information using screenshot, copy-paste or email
View previously used symptoms by using the back, forward or history icons
Zoom in or out
Create, categorize, sort and search bookmarks

No coupon code required. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Expires May 15th, 2024 at midnight Pacific time. Cannot be applied to previous orders.