Farokh Master Bundle
This bundle contains:
- Hair Loss Repertory
- Homeopathic Dictionary of dreams
- Homeopathy in Cancer
- Homeopathy in Cervical Spondylosis
- Lycopodium
- Mysterious Thuja
- Naja Naja Naja [1st Ed.]
- A proving of Moccasin Snake [Toxicophis]
- Perceiving rubrics of the mind
- Sandy Silicea
- Snakes in Homeopathic Grass
- St-Ignatius Bean
- Suppressed Staphysagria
- Sycotic shame
- The Bed Side Organon of Medicine
- The Fascinating Fungi
- The State of Mind that affects Foetus
- Tubercular Miasm Tuberculins [simplified and explained] [2nd Ed.]
- Ammoniums: The Sour Prunes
- Tumours and homoeopathy
- Clinical Observations of Children’s Remedies
- Homeopathic Treatment of Acute Cardio-respiratory Failure
- Lacs in Homeopathy
- A Homoeopathic Proving of Bungarus Fasciatus (Banded Krait)
- Bitis arietans – A Homoeopathic Proving
- Echis carinatus – Saw Scaled Viper – A Homoeopathic Proving
- The Web Spinners
- Oxyuranus scutellatus – Taipan – A Homoeopathic Proving
- Homeopathic Proving of Naja haje, Naja mossambica palida and Ophiophagus hannah
- Agitated Argentums
- Bed-wetting [Enuresis]
- Diseases of the Skin [Including of Exanthemata]
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When will I receive access after placing an order?
Generally, within 24-48 business hours. Orders are processed manually and it takes us this amount of time for processing.
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