Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine by Dana Ullman

Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine by Dana Ullman available as add on in RadarOpus Homeopathic Repertory software program

$99.00 USD

Please note: this is a digital product only available in RadarOpus.

If you have an interest in learning how to use homeopathic medicines for common “family medicine” health problems (of a non-life-threatening nature), and if you want to know about clinical research on homeopathic medicine, this e-book is the best, most comprehensive, and up-to-date resource for you. This e-book provides reference to and description of over 300 clinical trials testing the efficacy of homeopathic medicine that were published in peer-review journals. Each of these studies are listed under the specific ailment that was being tested, thereby enabling the reader to find whatever studies exist for each disease (studies with “positive” AND “negative” outcomes are described, and there is often discussion about why certain studies had seemingly “negative” results).

There is also reference to and description of cost-effectiveness studies, select high-quality basic science trials, replication studies, epidemiological studies, and case series trials.

In addition to review and discussion of scientific research, there is practical information on which homeopathic medicines are most commonly prescribed for ailments, along with description of other common remedies prescribed (and yes, information about each remedy and its symptoms are provided). That said, about 15 of the 100+ ailments described in this e-book do not list common homeopathic medicines for them because these select conditions, such as cancer, heart disease, and fatigue, simply have too many potential medicines to list and describe.

You will find that there is a much greater body of research evaluating homeopathic treatment than you may presently realize. You will also see how we have systematically organized this research along with practical clinical information.

This book:

  • Begins each ailment with an “Bottom Line” statement that summarizes what research exists, how amenable this condition is to homeopathic treatment by those who are not professional homeopaths, and if the person with this condition should seek professional homeopathic care.
  • Discusses the homeopathic understanding of and approach to treating people with this ailment.
  • Discusses what homeopathic research exists in treating people with this condition.
  • Lists and describes the most important homeopathic medicines to first consider in treating people with this condition and then other important remedies to consider.
  • Provides basic dose and potency information.
  • Provides reference information to studies cited as well as referral to other homeopathic books that discuss the treatment of this condition.

Learn more about Dana Ullman.

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