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Considering homeopathic software? Meet RadarOpus.

RadarOpus has been developing homeopathic software since the 1980s. We have maintained the test of time and are still the world’s leading homeopathic software after almost four decades in the business.

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RadarOpus Free Download Benefits

Digital Download

Digital download available within 15 minutes via e-mail along with your activation code and installation instructions.

Unlimited Access

Our 30-day RadarOpus free download gives you everything there is in our program – all repertories, all features, and all books.

Try Before You Buy

Take the time to see which program package fits your needs the best! We offer 4 packages that can be customized to your needs.

Free 24/7 Training

Our online library of RadarOpus training videos will support you to make the most out of your RadarOpus free download!

Free Training Support

Have questions while on your RadarOpus trial? Contact our Training Support department via e-mail! We’re here to help!

Free Tech Support

Our worldwide tech support team is here in case you need any support installing your RadarOpus free download.

Sign-Up for RadarOpus Free Download

Put the power of RadarOpus in your hands with our RadarOpus free download.

RadarOpus is 3 Programs in 1

Which means a one-stop shop for your homeopathy practice - ultimately, saving you time, saving you money, and, most importantly, enhancing your homeopathic skills.

Patient Management

Create patient charts, take consultation notes, save analyses and prescriptions to patients, and even manage billing and invoicing. All within RadarOpus.

Homeopathic Library

RadarOpus Library (in Radar, called 'EH') has 1,000+ repertories, materia medica, and other reference materials. Take your fully searchable library with you everywhere.


Case analysis could not be easier. Search through over 20 repertories finding the best rubrics for your patient. Repertorization happens instantly in just one click.

Join the thousands of homeopaths worldwide who use RadarOpus with our free download.

Our software speaks for itself. Here's what the experts say about RadarOpus:

George Dimitriadis, Dimitriadis G.

“RadarOpus comprises a very large information database from which the homœopath may select their own path to learning & application – it is for this reason we are pleased, amongst this mass of information, the conscientious and discerning prescriber will find our own revival & re-translation of Bönninghausen’s Therapeutisches Taschenbuch in the form of our The Bönninghausen Repertory (TBR2) – the most accurate homœopathic repertory.”
— George Dimitriadis, Australia

Family Finder Module by Anne Vervarcke available as add on in RadarOpus Homeopathic Repertory Software Program

“RadarOpus has always been and is still the leading software for both the homeopathic student and the practising homeopath alike. With the most extensive library at your fingertips, inumerous possibilities to fine-tune repertorisation and the implementation of the original works of all the great homeopaths it is the most complete source of information and best tool for analysis a case for any homeopath.”
— Anne Vervarcke, Belgium

Luc de Schepper, Schepper L.

“A beginner, a professional, or a homeopathic scholar will never be disappointed (by RadarOpus). I recommend this program to every practitioner who wants to have the best results in their practice.”
— Luc de Schepper, USA

George Vithoulkas

“It has always been my purpose to contribute as much as possible to the art and science of homeopathy. With all that I have accomplished, the Vithoulkas Expert System [in RadarOpus] represents the greatest contribution that I have made to homeopathy.”
— George Vithoulkas, Greece

Farokh Master, Master F.

“I can’t imagine my life even for a day without RadarOpus.”
— Farokh Master, India

Matt Zorn, Zorn M.

“A competent homeopathic practice relies on proper case analysis and one’s ability to find very specific information in our repertories and materia medica. No other program does this better than RadarOpus. I rely on RadarOpus for all my cases, from straightforward acute cases, to complex chronic cases. This program will help to enhance anyone’s understanding, study, and application of the wonderful art and science of Homeopathy.”
— Matt Zorn, USA

Misha Norland, Norland M

"A wonderful working and learning tool.
Race around the repertory and access really useful cross-references."

— Misha Norland, United Kingdom

Brian Kaplan, Kaplan B.

"Indispensable as a ‘symptom cruncher’ - a versatile homoeopathic assistant."
— Brian Kaplan, United Kingdom

Frans Vermeulen, Vermeulen F.

"RadarOpus is an Opus Magnum that should be on everybody’s homeopathic radar."
— Frans Vermeulen, Netherlands

Free Download of RadarOpus: Windows & Mac

RadarOpus’ free download is native to both Windows and Mac, including the latest operating systems.

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