Vista Vintage by Frans Vermeulen

Vista Vintage by Frans Vermeulen, available as add on in radaropus homeopathic software program

$100.00 USD

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Vista Vintage by Frans Vermeulen is a compilation of the archive of Materia Medica from the masters from the century 1820 – 1920. Vista Vintage contains Materia Medica information on 759 remedies, a combination of larger, well-known remedies and numerous lesser known ones.

Much of this information cannot be found anywhere else! Additionally, there are numerous remedies here that do not have any information in our usually available Materia Medica. Previously undiscovered provings, cases and other valuable insights into the remedies have been collected for our edification.

Where else can you find 35 full case and 32 brief case reports of Belladonna, along with 14 additional articles about its medicinal and physiological effects? Blatta orientalis has 9 cases. Where else can we find information on Cadmium iodatum or Cadmium oxydatum? We modern homeopaths are not the first to investigate imponderables. There is a proving of Caeruleum iritis solis or blue light done in 1867. The parasitic plant Epiphegus virginiana has 8 cases, 2 provings and 2 self- experimentations. Gelsemium has 21 full cases, 17 brief cases and 17 other articles , while Baptisia has 17 full cases, 7 brief case and 8 other articles. A complete picture emerges of Nux moschata [nutmeg], with 12 full cases, 10 brief cases and 14 detailed poisonings. There are 10 Vipera berus cases and 5 poisonings [envenomations] by this snake. Lachesis has 43 full and 13 brief cases, Naja has 8 and 1, and Crotalus horridus has 9 cases and 3 other sources of information. Fourteen Kali salts, 11 Natrum salts and 10 Mercurius salts are represented. That is just the start!

7 Categories of information in Vista Vintage by Frans Vermeulen:

  • Case Studies
  • Clinical Observations
  • Effects
  • Materia Medica
  • Provings
  • Self-Experimentations

More Information of Vista Vintage by Frans Vermeulen:
Samuel Hahnemann wrote “When we have to do with an art, whose end is the saving of human life, any neglect to make ourselves thoroughly masters of it, becomes a crime.” In other words, it is incumbent upon all of us to become master s in our profession.

To that end, the VISTA project was made. It is composed of 2 books, VISTA VINTAGE and VISTA VIEWS. This started when Frans Vermeulen unearthed a virtual treasure trove of archived American, English and German homeopathic medical journals from the years 1820-1920. During that century, homeopathy was astoundingly alive and well in the United States. Of the 100 or more journals he found, 80% were American and some consisted of 12 issues per year for over 50 years! Some individual journal issues were volumes as large as 800 pages, nearer to an encyclopedia rather than the monthly offering of a subscription journal. When trying to image the wealth of activity, articles and information, we have to remember that our journal Homeopathic Links has reached 25 years in 2012 with an average of about 70 pages per issue, appearing only quarterly. Below is a near complete list of the journals used in compiling the VISTA project – 108 periodicals and 12 books . Take a moment to consider what it was like to be a practicing homeopath at a time when there was enough professional activity and interest to support so many large journals!

Frans read everyone of the journals cover to cover, which ended up being about a million pages! From that he carefully selected the crème-de-la-crème of the articles and placed them into one of two categories – materia medica or philosophy and methodology. The result is about 7500 pages of materia m edica for 764 remedies, called VISTA VINTAGE. The other volume, VISTA VIEWS , consists of about 1000 pages of discussions, articles and teachings on the philosophy, methods and practice of homeopathy, a virtual textbook on the art and science of homeopathy authored by many of the leading lights of our profession.

Interview with Frans Vermeulen on Source and Substance

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