Birds Bundle
The bundle of books includes:
1. SHERR Jeremy – Dynamic Provings [Vol. 1]: This comprehensive volume offers a collection of provings conducted by Jeremy Sherr, a renowned homeopath. The benefits include gaining insights into the unique characteristics of various remedies and understanding their potential applications in homeopathic practice.
2. NORLAND Misha – Collected Provings: Misha Norland’s compilation of provings provides valuable information on a range of homeopathic remedies. The benefits include a deeper understanding of remedy properties and their potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
3. SHUKLA Chetna – The Individualizing Examination of the Pavo cristatus: This in-depth study of the peacock remedy offers insights into its unique characteristics and potential applications. The benefits include a thorough understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential role in addressing individualized health concerns.
4. EBERLE H., RITZER F. – Haliaeetus leucocephalus: This proving of the bald eagle remedy provides valuable information on its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
5. FRASER Peter – Proving of Pavo cristatus: Peter Fraser’s proving of the peacock remedy offers a detailed examination of its unique characteristics and potential applications. The benefits include a thorough understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential role in addressing individualized health concerns.
6. NORLAND Misha, FRASER Peter – Passer domesticus – The Homeopathic Proving of Sparrow: This collaborative proving of the sparrow remedy provides valuable insights into its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
7. ROWLES Joie – A Proving of Sialia currucoides – Mountain Bluebird: This proving of the mountain bluebird remedy offers valuable information on its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
8. RIMMLER Uli – The Flight of the Condor – The Andean Condor: Vultur gryphus: Uli Rimmler’s proving of the Andean condor remedy provides valuable insights into its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
9. ROWE Todd – Cathartes aura: A Proving of Turkey Vulture: Todd Rowe’s proving of the turkey vulture remedy offers valuable information on its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
10. ROWE Todd – A Proving of Roadrunner: This proving of the roadrunner remedy provides valuable insights into its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
11. SHEPARD Cynthia – Homeopathic Proving of Calypte anna (Anna’s Hummingbird): Cynthia Shepard’s proving of the Anna’s hummingbird remedy offers valuable information on its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
12. STONE Liz – Tyto alba – Barn Owl Feather: Liz Stone’s proving of the barn owl feather remedy provides valuable insights into its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
13. STIRLING Penelope – The Proving of Cygnus bewickii: Penelope Stirling’s proving of the Bewick’s swan remedy offers valuable information on its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
14. SWAN Samuel – Proving Of Ovi Gallina Pellicula – Membrane Of The Egg Shell: Samuel Swan’s proving of the eggshell membrane remedy provides valuable insights into its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
15. SCHULZ Elisabeth – Buteo jamaicensis – Hawk: Elisabeth Schulz’s proving of the hawk remedy offers valuable information on its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
16. SCHULZ Elisabeth – Columba palumbus: This proving of the wood pigeon remedy provides valuable insights into its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
17. SCHULZ Elisabeth – Cygnus olor: Elisabeth Schulz’s proving of the mute swan remedy offers valuable information on its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
18. SCHULZ Elisabeth – Falco cherrug: This proving of the saker falcon remedy provides valuable insights into its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
19. SCHULZ Elisabeth – Vultur gryphus – Condor: Elisabeth Schulz’s proving of the Andean condor remedy offers valuable information on its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
20. SCHULZ Elisabeth – The Proving of Holy Ibis: This proving of the sacred ibis remedy provides valuable insights into its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.
21. WICHMANN J. and the Bergische Homöopathie-Schule – Tyto alba – A Homeopathic Remedy Proving: This collaborative proving of the barn owl remedy offers valuable information on its unique characteristics and potential applications in homeopathy. The benefits include a deeper understanding of the remedy’s properties and its potential uses in addressing various health concerns.